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Published on April 26, 2022

Greenext joins the share capital of Innova

GREENEXT Technologies, the Viasat Group’s newco set up at the end of 2021, joins the share capital of INNOVA Srl to give a strong push to the market on the issues of metering, recycling collection, punctual tariffs, citizen management and ARERA requirements.

At this time, sustainability cannot be separated from digitalisation and, therefore, from technological transition, including in the ‘world’ of waste, which is a strategic sector for the modernisation and restart of our country. Think of the complexity of the environmental services and processes of waste collection, the need to accurately measure the amount of waste delivered by users, digital storage of data, applications on the Smart City model to create a transparent and trusting relationship with citizens, also in view of ARERA, with respect to TQRIF 15/22.

Technology is fundamental for managing this complex ecosystem. Information is the asset of companies, an asset that must be placed at the centre of process management in the world of waste, an asset on which GREENEXT and INNOVA have partnered.

A synergy between two companies that work every day, with hundreds of customers throughout Italy, to achieve the Waste Digital Transformation. This entry strengthens the competitiveness of the two players on the national software development market, with a single objective: the technological transition towards the most advanced applications in the environmental sector. Technology, digitalisation, sustainability and circular economy are the four cardinal points that the two companies share in their entrepreneurial vision. The same themes are strategic to government policies within the framework of the Recovery and Resilience Plan, which includes resources allocated to digitisation, innovation, competitiveness, green revolution and ecological transition

“In the present scenario, in which the European Green Deal and the National Recovery and Resilience Plan are the main drivers of development,” emphasises Luca Moretti, CEO of GREENEXT Technologies, “the synergy between GREENEXT and INNOVA represents an important and virtuous development for understanding and identifying trends in the urban hygiene sector, also in the light of recent developments in the Consolidation Act for the regulation of the quality of urban waste management services by ARERA. Smart technologies are, in fact, essential for managing all the legislative and environmental requirements of waste management processes. The world of waste is evolving and, together with INNOVA, we are setting ourselves concrete goals for the technological transition to support the circular economy.”

“We have shared with GREENEXT an ambitious project, which brings together the best of the two solutions WMS and INNOVA – adds Andrea Di Pasquale, CEO of INNOVA – that have been able to express in recent years. We are confident, with this deal, that we will be able to provide what the market expects, considering the developments we are witnessing. The process of enhancing our expertise, in terms of solutions and human capital, makes us leaders in the market for the coming years. The challenge that awaits us is certainly a big one, but we believe we have established the conditions so that we can play a leading role”.

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