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Published on November 22, 2022

Certifications. Italy 1st in Europe for management systems

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is the most important international organization for the definition of technical standards. A system that brings together 164 countries of the world and which bases its legitimacy on the principles of transparency, independence, and openness. The ISO Survey 2021 collects data from certified organizations around the world in which Italy is confirmed in first place among European countries and in second place worldwide for the diffusion of management systems certified according to ISO standards.

At the end of 2021 there were almost 2 million valid certificates worldwide: over half (1,077,884) were related to quality management systems (ISO 9001) which, together with the certificates valid for ISO 14001 (environment) and ISO 45001 (health and safety at work), represent over 90% of the certificates. Of these, over 133,000 certificates from Italian companies, demonstrate the great attention of companies in our country to the issues of quality, the environment, and safety. This concentration of certificates on three certification standards has a lot to do with the market dynamics that have characterized quality management systems as tools to improve the competitiveness of companies. The logic of integrating the quality management system with the environmental management and occupational health and safety systems, promoted by the certification bodies themselves, has contributed to the considerable development of company certifications.

The Italian companies certified for quality according to the ISO 9001 standard are almost double those of Germany and more than 3 times those of Spain and England. With over 92 thousand certified management systems, Italy is second only to China which leads the ranking. Environmental management systems certified in Italy on the basis of ISO 14001, the second scheme in terms of the number of certificates in the world, are also widespread in Italy with over 18,000 certified companies: first in Europe, ahead of Spain, the United Kingdom, and Germany and third in the world after China and Japan. The ranking on the diffusion in Italy of the other certified management systems – health and safety in the workplace, energy, information security, food safety, etc. – sees Italy in second position with almost 23,000 active certificates, after China (240,580 certificates) and ahead of Germany (13,126 certificates) and the United Kingdom (18,636 certificates).

The diffusion of certificates among Italian companies demonstrates how management systems, if they meet recognized standards, are considered a competitive lever, not only in the domestic market, but also in international markets. Vem Solutions (a company of the Viasat Group) is well aware of this and has been making use of its experience for many years, achieving positive results, with strict compliance with quality certification standards.

 Viasat Group has always been committed to pursuing and nurturing a culture of quality. Viasat, always attentive to the quality of its solutions, has made this characteristic one of the reference assets of its company.

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